Daily Current Affairs Quiz – 13th Feb 2024

Daily Current Affairs Quiz : Today’s current affairs quiz for 13th February. All the Best.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz - 13th Feb 2024
  1. Examine the role of social media in shaping public opinion and its impact on democracy.
  • a) Limited influence
  • b) No impact on democracy
  • c) Significant role, with concerns about misinformation and privacy
  • d) Isolated impact on social issues
  • Answer: c) Significant role, with concerns about misinformation and privacy
  • What measures can be taken to address the rising instances of cyberbullying in the digital age?
  • a) Ignore the issue
  • b) Legal frameworks, awareness campaigns, and digital literacy programs
  • c) Increase internet censorship
  • d) Promote anonymity online
  • Answer: b) Legal frameworks, awareness campaigns, and digital literacy programs
  • Assess the challenges and opportunities in the implementation of Ayushman Bharat Yojana.
  • a) Limited challenges, no opportunities
  • b) Challenges in implementation, significant opportunities in healthcare accessibility
  • c) Smooth implementation, limited impact
  • d) No challenges, limited opportunities
  • Answer: b) Challenges in implementation, significant opportunities in healthcare accessibility
  • Explain the importance of vaccination campaigns in combating the spread of infectious diseases.
  • a) No impact on infectious diseases
  • b) Limited importance of vaccination
  • c) Crucial for preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases
  • d) Limited role in public health
  • Answer: c) Crucial for preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases
  • Analyse the key features and implications of India’s new defense acquisition policy.
  • a) No changes in defense policy
  • b) Emphasis on imports, no impact
  • c) Focus on self-reliance, modernization, and efficiency
  • d) Limited focus on defense procurement
  • Answer: c) Focus on self-reliance, modernization, and efficiency
  • Discuss the cybersecurity threats faced by nations and the measures to enhance cyber resilience.
  • a) No cybersecurity threats
  • b) Limited need for cyber resilience
  • c) Robust cybersecurity strategies, international cooperation, and public awareness
  • d) Isolated cyber threats in specific sectors
  • Answer: c) Robust cybersecurity strategies, international cooperation, and public awareness
  • Assess the impact of recent developments in Afghanistan on regional stability.
  • a) No impact on regional stability
  • b) Enhanced stability
  • c) Impact on stability, with concerns about terrorism and geopolitical shifts
  • d) Limited regional connections
  • Answer: c) Impact on stability, with concerns about terrorism and geopolitical shifts
  • Explain the significance of India’s participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).
  • a) Limited significance
  • b) Focus on isolation
  • c) Enhances regional cooperation in security and economic matters
  • d) No impact on regional cooperation
  • Answer: c) Enhances regional cooperation in security and economic matters
  • Discuss the key provisions and controversies surrounding the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).
  • a) No controversies
  • b) Encourages inclusive citizenship
  • c) Controversies around exclusionary criteria
  • d) Limited provisions
  • Answer: c) Controversies around exclusionary criteria
  • Analyse the recent judicial pronouncements on the right to privacy in India.
  • a) Limited focus on privacy
  • b) No judicial pronouncements
  • c) Recent judgments emphasizing individual autonomy and protection from state intrusion
  • d) Privacy not a concern in legal matters
  • Answer: c) Recent judgments emphasizing individual autonomy and protection from state intrusion
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Pradeep is a writer who has 5 years of experience in the education niche. He has also taught students for government competitive exams.

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